From Teams to Tribes: Harnessing the Power of Ancient Wisdom for Modern Business.


The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.

- Phil Jackson

In today's fast-paced business world, organisations are constantly searching for ways to increase efficiency, collaboration, and overall success. While teams have traditionally been the go-to structure for many organizations, they are often not enough to achieve these goals. Teams can be limited by silos, lack of accountability, and poor communication. The solution to these problems? Building tribes.

Tribes, unlike teams, are built around shared values, beliefs, and a common goal. They are more efficient and effective because they are based on trust, cooperation, and accountability. Ancient tribes, such as hunting and gathering tribes, used a set of tools and techniques to build strong and successful groups. These tools and techniques can be adapted for modern organisations, allowing them to harness the power of tribal structures.

The principles of tribe building include shared vision, common values, effective communication, and leadership. By incorporating these principles into an organisation, companies can create a culture of collaboration and trust. The tools of tribe building include rituals, storytelling, and shared experiences. These tools help to build a sense of community and foster a strong bond between members of the tribe.

Leadership is crucial in the process of tribe building. Leaders must be able to communicate the shared vision and values of the tribe, and they must be willing to make the hard decisions to keep the tribe on track. Leaders must also be willing to serve the tribe and put the needs of the group before their own.

Building tribes is a powerful way for organisations to achieve greater efficiency, collaboration, and success. By incorporating the principles and tools of tribe building, organizations can harness the power of ancient wisdom to achieve modern business success.

To help organizations begin the process of tribe building, here is a simple exercise:

  • Define the shared values, beliefs, and goals of the organisation

  • Identify the tools and techniques used by prehistoric tribes that can be adapted for the organization

  • Implement the principles of tribe building, including shared vision, common values, effective communication, and leadership

  • Create a culture of collaboration and trust by using the tools of tribe building, such as rituals, storytelling, and shared experiences

  • Evaluate the success of the tribe and make adjustments as needed.


Further Reading:

Five books that provide more in-depth insights and practical advice:

  1. "Tribal Leadership" by Dave Logan, John King, and Halee Fischer-Wright

  2. "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" by Patrick Lencioni

  3. "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries

  4. "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg

  5. "Good to Great" by Jim Collins.


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