As a young man I thought my journey would be upward and outwards, toward what I wanted and what I thought would bring me happiness, but my real journey was inwards, towards what I needed and what brings me meaning and joy.


Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

Maximising Potential: How Organisations Can Apply the Insights of Jung, Maslow, May, and Frankl for Effective Men's Development in the Workplace.

Organisations can greatly benefit from the insights of Jung, Maslow, May, and Frankl in their efforts to support the personal and professional growth of their male employees. By understanding the key concepts and theories of these psychologists, organisations can create a work environment that is supportive, fulfilling, and satisfying, leading to increased motivation, job satisfaction, and overall success.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

Ten of the Most Important Books on the Male Psyche.

Ten books that provide a range of perspectives on the male psyche, from a scientific and psychological viewpoint to more spiritual and philosophical understanding, and offer insights into the complexities and nuances of the male experience.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

Exploring the Role of Past Trauma in Men's Personal Development.

Men are often encouraged to be strong, stoic, and unemotional. This societal expectation can be damaging, leading many to suppress their emotions and ignore any trauma from the past . As a result, they can struggle with intense emotional reactions to certain events and situations, without understanding the root causes of these feelings.. In this blog post, we will explore the role of past trauma in men's personal development, using the quote "If it's hysterical, it's historical" as a guide.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

Unlocking Personal Growth: The Legacy of Jung, Maslow, May, and Frankl in Men's Personal Development.

The field of men's personal development has come a long way since its inception and has been shaped by the contributions of numerous psychologists, but four individuals stand out as the most influential figures. Carl Jung, Abraham Maslow, Rollo May, and Victor Frankl are widely recognized as the pioneers of modern men's personal development and have left a lasting impact on the field.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

Confronting the Pain of a Father Wound: A Journey towards Healing.

Forgiveness is another crucial step in the healing process, both for ourselves and towards the person who caused the wound. This does not mean excusing harmful behavior, but rather releasing the negative emotions that have been holding us back and freeing ourselves from their grip

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

The Myth: Feminism is Causing Men's Discontent with Modern Work Life.

To blame feminism for men's dissatisfaction with modern work life is to ignore the deeper roots of the problem, which lie in the economic and social structures of capitalist society. While it is true that women's gains in the workplace have created some challenges for men, ignoring the deeper rooted problems doesn’t allow for real solutions to be found.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

Embodying the King: How Men Can Create Positive Change in the World.

Ultimately, when men embody their king archetype, they have the potential to create a better world for themselves and those around them. By embracing their leadership, responsibility, and compassion, they can become forces for good in a world that sorely needs it.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

Shadow: What Jung Learned From His Own Mental Challenges.

Carl Jung was no stranger to his own mental challenges. In 1913, Jung embarked on a journey of self-exploration that resulted in the creation of his famous "Red Book." This book is a collection of his thoughts, dreams, and visions, as well as a document of his own struggle with his unconscious.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

What Organisational Teams Can Learn from Men's Groups.

As a professional, have you ever considered joining or participating in a men's group? While these groups have been around for decades, they have become increasingly popular in recent years, as more men recognise the value of having a safe space to discuss their emotions and challenges. But did you know that organisational teams can also benefit from the lessons learned in men's groups?

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

Embracing Danger: The Importance of Learning to Face Chaos and Embrace the Unknown.

Additionally, embracing danger also helps us to better understand and appreciate the world around us. It gives us a new perspective and allows us to see things from a different angle. When we push ourselves to face our fears and embrace uncertainty, we become more adaptable, flexible, and able to handle change more effectively.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

The Uncomfortable Truth: Why Men Need to Read 'Will to Change' by Bell Hooks.

One of the key themes of "Will to Change" is the idea that the patriarchal system not only oppresses women but also harms men. Hooks argues that men are socialised to be emotionally repressed and to deny vulnerability. This leads to a host of problems, including difficulty forming intimate relationships, depression, and violence. By examining the ways that traditional gender roles limit men's ability to express themselves, hooks encourages men to break free from these restrictive norms and embrace their full humanity.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

From Poison to Medicine: The Transformation of Masculinity.

This is a call to action for all men who want to make a positive impact. By embracing healthy masculinity and strength, men can lead the way to a brighter future. Let us celebrate our positive masculinity and work together to create a more equitable and just world for all.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

From Teams to Tribes: Harnessing the Power of Ancient Wisdom for Modern Business.

In today's fast-paced business world, organisations are constantly searching for ways to increase efficiency, collaboration, and overall success. While teams have traditionally been the go-to structure for many organizations, they are often not enough to achieve these goals. Teams can be limited by silos, lack of accountability, and poor communication. The solution to these problems? Building tribes.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

Men's Groups: A Tool for Connection, Support and Transformation.

As a father, being part of a men's group can help you connect with other fathers who understand the challenges and joys of parenting. You can learn from each other's experiences, share your own struggles and successes, and gain new perspectives and insights on how to be a better father.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

Wound Worship: Why Staying Stuck in the Past is Ruining Your Life.

In order to break the cycle of wound worship, it's important to focus on self-forgiveness and self-compassion. Acknowledge and validate your past experiences, but don't let them define you. Recognise that you are not your past, and that you have the power to create a different future for yourself. Practice self-care and surround yourself with positive and supportive people who can help you on your journey towards personal growth and healing.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

5 Surprising Ways to Unleash Your Inner King: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom.

In today's society, the concept of kingship has been reduced to a mere ceremonial role. But the archetype of a king holds within it a powerful message of leadership, decision-making, and personal growth. Here are five ways to tap into your inner king and challenge the conventional wisdom on what it means to be a leader.

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