Tame the Dragon Within: Harnessing the Power of the Ego for Personal Growth.


If you want to soar with the dragons, you must first learn to tame the fire within.

- Laurence H Johns

The dragon is a powerful and ancient archetype that has captured the imagination of people for thousands of years. It is a symbol of strength, ferocity, and unbridled power, and its presence has been felt in cultures and civilizations all over the world. In psychology, the dragon has become a powerful metaphor for the human ego, offering insights into the complexities of the human psyche and the dangers of excessive ego.

The ego is the part of the psyche that is responsible for maintaining the individual's sense of self, but when it becomes too inflated, it can lead to selfish behavior, arrogance, and a lack of empathy for others. This can result in conflict and disharmony in personal relationships, as well as professional and social situations.

The dragon as a symbol of the ego has been present in cultures and civilizations for thousands of years, and its relevance and impact continue to be felt today. By examining the dragon as a symbol of the ego, we can gain a deeper understanding of our own psyche and the ways in which our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are shaped by our sense of self.

Exercise for Taming the Dragon of Ego:

  1. Practice self-reflection: Take time each day to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Ask yourself if your actions are driven by your ego or by a genuine concern for others.

  2. Cultivate empathy: Try to see the world from other people's perspectives and understand their experiences. This can help to reduce the influence of the ego and increase empathy and understanding.

  3. Practice mindfulness: Pay attention to the present moment and focus on your breathing. This can help to calm the mind and reduce the influence of the ego.

  4. Surround yourself with positive influences: Seek out people and experiences that challenge your ego and help you to grow as a person.

  5. Be open to feedback: Listen to others when they offer feedback and use it to improve yourself.

  • By taming the dragon of ego, individuals can achieve a greater sense of self-awareness, balance, and harmony in their lives. By embracing the power of the ego while also keeping it in check, we can harness the dragon within to achieve our goals and live our best lives.


five books on the subject of the dragon as an archetype for the human ego:

  1. "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" by Joseph Campbell: This classic work of comparative mythology explores the universal themes and symbols that underlie the hero's journey and the journey of the ego.

  2. "Man and His Symbols" by Carl Jung: This seminal work by the father of analytical psychology explores the meaning and significance of the dragon as an archetypal symbol in the human psyche.

  3. "The Power of Myth" by Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers: This book explores the role of mythology in shaping our lives and understanding of the world, and includes a discussion of the dragon as a symbol of the ego.

  4. "The Inner Dragon: An Exploration of the Psychological Meaning of the Dragon Symbol" by Jean Shinoda Bolen: This book explores the meaning and significance of the dragon symbol in a psychological and spiritual context, and offers insights into how we can integrate the dragon archetype into our lives.

  5. "The Dragon Within: Taming the Beast and Harnessing the Power of the Ego" by Michael Gelb: This practical guidebook offers a framework for understanding the dragon archetype and its role in shaping our lives, and provides practical strategies for taming the dragon of ego and harnessing its power for personal growth and transformation.


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