What Organisational Teams Can Learn from Men's Groups.


Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.

- Helen Keller

As a professional, have you ever considered joining or participating in a men's group? While these groups have been around for decades, they have become increasingly popular in recent years, as more men recognise the value of having a safe space to discuss their emotions and challenges. But did you know that organisational teams can also benefit from the lessons learned in men's groups?

In this post, we'll explore five key lessons that organisational teams can learn from men's groups to improve teamwork, communication, and overall productivity.

1. Vulnerability and Emotional Intelligence

In men's groups, members are encouraged to be vulnerable and share their emotions, thoughts, and experiences. This can be a challenge for many men, who are often taught to repress their emotions and hide their vulnerability. But by embracing vulnerability, men in these groups can develop emotional intelligence and a deeper understanding of themselves and others.

In the workplace, this can translate to a culture of open and honest communication, where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and experiences. This leads to improved relationships, increased trust, and greater collaboration. Encourage your team to embrace vulnerability and prioritise emotional intelligence for a more productive and fulfilling work environment.

2. Authenticity

Men's groups provide a space where members can be their authentic selves, free from judgement or criticism. This allows for honest and meaningful conversations, which leads to deeper connections and a greater understanding of each other.

In the workplace, this can mean creating an environment where team members feel comfortable being themselves and sharing their thoughts and experiences without fear of judgement. This leads to improved morale, increased creativity, and higher levels of collaboration and productivity. Foster authenticity among your team for a more positive and productive work environment.

3. Active Listening

In men's groups, members are encouraged to practise active listening, which involves fully engaging with and paying attention to the speaker. This leads to improved communication, empathy, and understanding.

In the workplace, active listening can help team members to better understand each other's perspectives, leading to improved decision-making, conflict resolution, and overall productivity. Encourage your team to practise active listening and prioritise this skill in meetings and everyday conversations.

4. Accountability and Integrity

Men's groups also place a strong emphasis on accountability and integrity. Members are expected to hold each other accountable for their actions and decisions, and to be truthful and transparent in their interactions.

In the workplace, this translates to a culture of accountability, where team members take responsibility for their actions and decisions. This leads to improved performance, greater trust, and a more positive work environment. Encourage your team to prioritise accountability and integrity for a more productive and ethical work environment.

5. Building Life Purpose and Setting Goals Based on That

Finally, men's groups often focus on helping members to build their life purpose and set goals based on that. By reflecting on their values and passions, members can identify their life purpose and set meaningful and fulfilling goals.

In the workplace, this can mean encouraging team members to reflect on their values and passions and align their work goals with their personal purpose. This leads to increased motivation, job satisfaction, and overall well-being. Encourage your team to build their life purpose and set goals based on that for a more fulfilling and productive work environment.


10 Things to Do Right Now to Incorporate These Lessons in Your Team:

  1. Encourage team members to be vulnerable and share their emotions, thoughts, and experiences.

  2. Foster an environment of authenticity, where team members feel comfortable being themselves and sharing their thoughts and experiences.

  3. Prioritise active listening in meetings and everyday conversations to improve communication, empathy, and understanding.

  4. Promote accountability and integrity by encouraging team members to take responsibility for their actions and decisions, and to be truthful and transparent in their interactions.

  5. Encourage team members to reflect on their values and passions and align their work goals with their personal purpose.

  6. Provide opportunities for team building and relationship building to improve trust and collaboration.

  7. Promote open and honest communication, where team members feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and opinions.

  8. Encourage regular check-ins and feedback sessions to improve performance and address any challenges.

  9. Foster a growth mindset by encouraging continuous learning and personal development.

  10. Encourage team members to take breaks and prioritise their well-being to reduce stress and improve overall productivity.


Ten important books of the mythopoetic men's movement.


Thanking Feminism: A Journey Through Men's Personal Growth and Empowerment.