As a young man I thought my journey would be upward and outwards, toward what I wanted and what I thought would bring me happiness, but my real journey was inwards, towards what I needed and what brings me meaning and joy.


Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

The Myth of Dionysus and Men's Personal Development.

The story of Dionysus offers a powerful lens for understanding the complexities of masculinity and the personal development of men. By embracing the archetypal energies of Dionysus, men can move beyond the limitations of patriarchal norms and develop a more integrated, authentic, and fulfilling sense of self. Through this process, they can become more whole and fulfilled individuals, able to connect more deeply with both themselves and the world around them.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

Embracing Your Shadow: A Guide to Integrating the Hidden Parts of Yourself.

It is important to remember that, integrating your shadow is a lifelong process, and it takes time, patience and self-compassion to fully understand and integrate it into your life. But by following these steps and being open to the process, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

Breaking Free from the Chains of Happiness and Embracing the Quest for Meaningful Living.

As we journey through life, it's natural to strive for happiness. We want to feel joy, contentment, and fulfillment. But as Ralph Waldo Emerson so eloquently put it, “the purpose of life is not just to be happy, but to make a difference, to be useful, and to live well.” That's why finding meaning in life is just as, if not more, important than seeking happiness.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

Exploring the Relevance of the Men's Mythopoetic Movement Today.

The Men's Mythopoetic Movement, which emerged in the late 20th century, sought to explore the experiences and challenges facing men in modern society. This movement was influenced by the work of psychologists, mythologists, and spiritual teachers, and it sought to provide a new vision of masculinity that was rooted in ancient mythological themes and archetypes.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

Exploring the Unseen Realms: Carl Jung's Bold Journey into Spiritualism.

Carl Jung's work and theories were deeply influenced by his study of spiritualism. He believed that spiritual experiences were an important part of human life and that they could provide valuable insights into the workings of the human psyche. This perspective is a bold and unique one that continues to inspire many, and it is especially relevant for men's personal development as it provides a deeper understanding of the self and the world.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

The Art of Purposeful Living: Discovering Your Life's Meaning as a Man.

As men, we often find ourselves caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We work hard to provide for our families, pursue our careers, and maintain our relationships. But amidst all of the busyness, it can be easy to lose sight of what truly matters. That's why connecting with an idea of our life purpose is so important.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

The Heart of the Matter: Embracing the Lover Archetype for a Fulfilling Life.

Overall, the lover archetype, as described by Moore and Gillette, offers a valuable lens through which to understand the masculine psyche and the importance of connection and engagement in a man's life. By embracing this archetype and developing it through practices such as relational depth, men can foster deeper, more fulfilling relationships and a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment in their lives.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

Uncovering Your Purpose: 10 Steps to Finding Meaning and Fulfillment in Life.

Finding meaning and purpose in life takes effort and intentional action, but it's worth it. By reflecting on your values, setting goals, connecting with others, pursuing your passions, taking care of yourself, learning new things, traveling, practicing gratitude, and giving back, you can find purpose and meaning in your life.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

You and your Shadow: A Journey to Wholeness and Self-Awareness.

Carl Jung's theory of the shadow is a powerful concept that highlights the importance of acknowledging and integrating all aspects of the psyche. Understanding the shadow can help individuals to understand themselves better, and ultimately lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

How important are men’s groups?

It's very important for me, in fact, it's been critically important for me, so I make up that it’s important for other men to find a place where I can feel safe to connect with myself.. To really connect with what's going on for me and to be able to express that to others, that's first and foremost.

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Laurence H Johns Laurence H Johns

Embrace the monster within…

From the earliest myths such as werewolves through to works of fiction like Frankenstein and Jekyll and Hyde and up to more modern classic stories like Star Wars and Batman, we've been interested in that monstrous part of us that lurks within the darkness of our own humanity. That’s really no surprise when you think of our history, when you think of our roots and origins, when you think of the animalistic elements we had to exhibit and embrace merely to survive. It’s one of the things that kept us alive.

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