
kindness is key

7-tips and tricks you can use daily to create more kindness

In response to Mental Health Awareness Week [2020] with the theme of kindness. Laurence put together 7 simple daily video challenges and tips that he hoped would help the viewers create more kindness for themselves and those around them.

You’ll be amazed at how simple and effective these tips are to implement in your daily routine, give them a go!

– Shelina Choudhury


“The true object of all human life is play” – G.K. Chesterton

Play’ somehow we have been conditioned to believe that it is the reserve of children. We have been conditioned to believe that at a certain age we must give up ‘play’ and become serious about life. Give-up anything that we cant be the “best” at, or make into a career or make money from. Laurence turns this narrative completely on its head. In ‘Daily Do’s’ tip #1 Laurence explains how important the idea of ‘play’ is, at any age, and how enjoying an activity for just that - the enjoyment, is so beneficial.


"If you live to be a 100, I want to live to be a 100 minus one day so I never have to live without you." – Winnie the Pooh

‘Kindness to others’ – Sounds obvious? Sometimes the obvious stuff is the easiest to overlook. In ‘Daily Do’s’ tip #2 Laurence runs us through the importance of being mindful of not forgetting to check-in with those around you, letting them know what they mean to you and why you appreciate them. He reminds us that giving someone a few minutes of your day for a conversation or offering a helping hand, with no expectations, can make a world of difference.


“Be kind to yourself this evening. Buy something for yourself. Treat yourself to a meal. Look in the mirror and give yourself a smile” – YoKo Ono

‘Kindness to yourself’ – Something we are all probably guilty of – neglecting ourselves, forgetting to be ‘kind’ to ourselves. In ‘Daily Do’s’ tip #3 Laurence turns the idea of being kind to others 180 degrees and explores the importance and perhaps the necessity of treating yourself like someone you love.


“A simple smile. That's the start of opening your heart and being compassionate to others.” – Dalai Lama

‘Smile’ – Probably the easiest change you can make with massive benefits. In ‘Daily Do’s’ tip #4 Laurence hammers home how a simple smile can not only change how you feel and change the way someone you smile at might feel, but it can also be a great weapon to defuse tense situations.


“Don’t worry when you are not recognised, but strive to be worthy of recognition.” – Abraham Lincoln

‘Self recognition’ – We can often be heard praising others but when was the last time you gave yourself the recognition that you deserve? In ‘Daily Do’s’ tip #5 Laurence encourages you to think about the recognition that you have been waiting for, he tells you to find a mirror and give yourself the words you know you deserve.


“Death is an inescapable reality and men die daily, but good deeds live forever.” – Jesse Jackson

‘Good deeds’ – Seems like a bit of an ‘old fashioned’ saying now days, but when was the last time you did a good deed? In ‘Daily Do’s’ tip #6 Laurence explains the power of a good deed. Laurence can often be heard referencing “keeping my side of the road clean” he goes on to say that a good deed can be simply that -keeping your side of the road clean. He also gives some great suggestions of other simple “good deeds” that can help make a real difference to someone or your community.


"Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it." – Salvador Dali

‘Give up trying to be perfect’ – How many times has the idea of perfection stoped you being creative? Stoped you following your dreams? Stoped you from moving forward? In ‘Daily Do’s’ tip #7 Laurence is very clear that – “being perfect means your not moving and making mistakes means you are perfect at being human” He goes on to tell us that life isn’t about being perfect, life is about being messy and that is what makes it beautiful, full of energy, its dangerous and yet it’s vibrant, it’s frightening and yet it’s full of connection, its many things but it certainly is not ‘perfect’.

Kindness costs you nothing but it’s priceless to the person you gift it too