Can’t keep a good man down

Laurence and the Magnificent Man Project released a series of informative content during the summer ‘lockdown’ of 2020 as a direct response to the situation the world found itself in and how this ‘new normal’ was impacting on Laurence himself. He wanted to share his feelings, and the knowledge he was using to navigate these strange times in a hope that it would have a positive impact and be useful to others during this anything but ‘normal’ period.

Connection, Challenge, Contribution and Celebration.

The content is based around Laurence’s 4C's principal. Which Laurence believes are the four cornerstones to [specifically] men’s happiness, wellbeing and in some cases survival, physically and mentally.

Making; Connection, Challenge, Contribution and Celebration the New Normal



In this introduction episode Laurence sets out what you can expect in the coming weeks as each episode is dropped.

I'm afraid that you'll never understand me fully, and because of that, sometimes you'll be frightened, disgusted, annoyed, or pleased.

― Jack Kerouac

episode #1

In this episode Laurence explores the idea of ‘Effective Communication’ in order to create connection.

How can we talk in a way to create connection? – Six ways:

1. I pause.

2. I use “I” statements.

3. I separate; fact, thought, and feeling.

4. I’m clear about what my feelings are.

5. I’m self-aware.

6. I seek verification.

Our feelings are not there to be cast out or conquered. They're there to be engaged and expressed with imagination and intelligence

― TK Coleman

episode #2

Happy • Sad • Fear • Anger

In this episode Laurence explores the idea of being clear about your feelings by breaking them down into 4 core emotions in order to create connection.

When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.

― Ernest Hemingway

episode #3

Do you think you’re a good listener? Even if you think you are, think again!… Laurence takes us through 6 actions he believes you need to be employing to really ‘listen’ and create connection.

6–Ways to really listen.

1. Listen - stop talking, give people the most valuable thing you have; your time.

2. Watch - 90% of communication is non-verbal.

3. Eye contact - give the person you’re talking to your attention.

4. Open up your body - arms down, breath, turn to them, put your phone down.

5. Only ask questions that gives clarity to the person sharing.

6. Give up on solutions - you don’t have to fix them, just listen.

We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.

― Anaïs Nin

episode #4

In the last episode covering the first ‘C’ [connection] of Laurence’s 4c’s principal, Laurence looks at the role of self-awareness in communication. Laurence tells us how important it is when you’re communicating and creating connection with people that you are ‘self-aware’. He explains that this means knowing what you’re bringing to the conversation and what you’re representing for the other party.