
What’s different about John?

This project has been a chance for Laurence to merge two of his life’s passions – Men’s development and the creative world he inhabits as a writer.

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The brainchild of Laurence and Tony Wise [photographer and filmmaker] ‘I am John’ is a feature length film that is the central foundation of ‘Project: I am John’. The project, and the film, fuse film making with nearly two decades of experience working specifically in the men’s personal development arena resulting in a film that  is experimental on many fronts. Starting with the production, which will be anything but traditional, the lead actor will be exposed to the workshop processes during filming in order to bring the closest level of reality possible. Not only will the film be challenging in terms of content and form, it is also designed to be an entry level path into a whole more interactive experience. ‘I am John’ is designed to bring men together in an entertaining and challenging way and then encourage them through parallel Q&A’s, workshops and men’s circles, to stay, get involved, ask the difficult question, have the difficult conversations and maybe reach out for the help and support they need in a safe and non-judgemental setting.


In MY own words

Interview with Laurence on how his work with The ManKind Project and Mens Work in general inspired his in involvement with Project: I am John.

 “Laurence’s unparalleled insights in the world of men’s personal development is not only what makes this project and film unique, it’s what makes it possible!

– Tony Wise

 Project trailer

Trailer for Project: I am John. A project that aims to tackle male suicide by bringing men together through a feature film.

Film Synopsis

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John, a seemingly average middle aged family man and self-confessed ghost walking through his own life. On the verge of suicide, John inhabits multiple facades to disguise this from his family and friends, and no-one knows what is coming. John’s own father was absent and to save his own son from the decades of questions and self blame, that he has endured, he decides to record for his son an explanation of what has brought him to this point, a confession of the mistakes he has made. Through the eyes of John we see a life of trying to fit in, of not really knowing his place, of isolation in crowds and the silent despair that many men find themselves living in without knowing how, or where, to ask for help. As John records his suicide note we begin to question whether he is recording something else? Is he recording a guide of how to live a better life? A guide to being a better man? A guide of what causes what has become the silent killer of men? A way to save a life?

 Opening up the process

Laurence’s commitment to the world in stepping forward to be in service for other men while being open and vulnerable is also reflected in his style and approach to his creative work. Laurence has a practice of bringing his creative projects into the open to receive realtime feedback in order to mould, shape and give the project the greatest chance of authenticity it can possibly have.

TEAM TALK: Jamie Catto – everything you need to know about the creative process.

TEAM TALK: Laurence Johns and Tony Wise talk on ‘green lighting’ Project: I am John and the challenges to get there!